Sustainable Career Development (P2)

The objectives of this work program include improving the quality of USU's graduates so that they have the competencies demanded by the current world of work and providing information on the reputation of USU alumni to partners so that partners or industry recipients understand more directly the quality of USU's graduates. New graduates (freshgraduate) need skills (soft skills) such as good communication skills, leadership and entrepreneurship. In addition, students need insight into developments that occur outside the University such as in Government and National and International Industry. This can be obtained through alumni of the University of North Sumatra and professionals who have joined various government agencies in the national / international industrial sector. Thus, the University of North Sumatra considers it necessary to carry out a sustainable career program consisting of soft skills training and public lectures on an ongoing basis accompanied by activities to invite alumni who have a good reputation in their field of work and to companies that have a good reputation through alumni gathering activities. Alumni gathering activities are held as part of the University of North Sumatra's Anniversary program.

In addition, the USU WCU team collaborates with Faculties and Study Programs to track Alumni who have national and international track records and achievements who will be included in the prominent alumni database as sources for webinars and other supporting activities in the WCU program. Alumni in the database are expected to become a communication bridge between the University of North Sumatra and the Graduate User Companies. Optimization of this database program is also carried out through the WCU socialization program which invites the Management of the Faculty Alumni Association to the Study Program and stakeholders / multinational companies who use alumni in the form of webinars, via e-mail and other WCU activities.