Orangutan Conservation Campaign

In an attempt to rescue the orangutan that is involved in conflict with humans or isolated in their habitat, the minister of forestry makes a rescue attempt according to Ministry of Forestry Regulation number 53/Menhut-II/2014 about Guidelines for Conflict Management between Humans and Wildlife.

According to that regulation, one of the attempts that have to be made is translocation. There are conditions for the location: first, it has to guarantee the survival of the orangutan, and the location has to be safe. The translocation activities include rescue, rehabilitation, searching for a new location, and reintroduction of the orangutan to the new location.

To support this activity in 2021, Yayasan Kehati and Yayasan Orangutan Sumatera Lestari (Orangutan Information Center, YOSL-OIC), supported by The Body Shop Indonesia, conducted a study about orangutan conservation in Batang Toru, South Tapanuli. The Body Shop Indonesia invites Kehati and OIC to collaborate on two projects: (1) the conservation project in Batang Toru, which mitigates the conflict between humans and orangutans; and (2) the youth campaign in Batang Toru and Orangutan Tapanuli. This project will be in line with the Christmas project by The Body Shop, which starts from November 2022 until January 2023, and the conservation project, which started from January until December 2023.


  • Providing awareness about orangutan tapanauli in term of population, habitat, threat status, conservation strategy, etc.
  • Encouraging a campaign to save the orangutan tapanuli by USU students to the general public especially the younger generation digitally.

Time, Date, Place

  • Date : 22th February 2023
  • Time : 08:30 – 15:00 (West Indonesia Time)
  • Place : Pendopo Pancasila Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan
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