Gathering of USU Alumni and Inauguration of the IKA USU FKG board in the Malaysian region was held at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia (MITI) building in Kuala Lumpur

Gathering alumni USU dan pelantikan pengurus IKA USU FKG wilayah malaysia dilaksanakan di gedung Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia (MITI) Kuala Lumpur


USU's alumni gathering and the inauguration of the IKA USU FKG board for the Malaysian region were held at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia (MITI) building in Kuala Lumpur on February 26, 2023.

This activity was attended by 60 people consisting of the IKA USU Central Board represented by Mr. Chairul Munadi, the IKA USU FKG Management, Drg Wahid Khusairy and members of the IKA USU FKG management, the USU FKG dean, other IKA USU FKG alumni from Medan and Jakarta and USU FKG alumni in Malaysia.

Drg Wahid inaugurated the board of IKA USU FKG Malaysia Region chaired by drg Nazim Bin Abdul Malek. .
In addition, Mr. Chairul declared the immediate formation of IKA USU in the Malaysian region by giving a mandate to FKG alumni, Pharmacy alumni, FK alumni, Law alumni and Faculty of Social Sciences alumni to immediately initiate the formation of IKA USU in the Malaysian region.

This activity was attended by the first FKG USU alumni from Malaysia, namely drg Datuk Wan Nasir. He gave advice so that the newly formed IKA USU FKG would be victorious and great later and play an active role in improving the progress of his beloved alma mater FKG USU.