Internationalization Program Meeting with 16 Study Program in USU


The Meeting Universitas Sumatera Utara is of International Program was held in Tuesday 11 April 2023 at USU’s Biro Pusat Administrasi building, the meeting was attended by 16 study program which currently in the process of international accreditation.

On this Meeting, Vice Rector 3, Prof. Dr. apt. Poppy A Z Hasibuan, M.SI is giving a material titled “Strenghtening and Development of the World Class University Program at the Universitias Sumatera Utara”. On this material it said that there are five component for international ranking, that is QS WUR, QS AUR, THE AUR, THE IMPACT and Webometric Ranking.

The ranking Universitas Sumatera Utara have been increased every year, there are two strategy that had been used in order to reach the standard of international universitiy,  that is internal strategy (Rector’s priority programs), and external strategy (the development programs and Tridharma development programs (based by ministry of education and culture).

In order to realize the internal and external strategy, the role of head study program is a must, because the study program have an important role for USU in order to reach international world because of that every person in study program in USU have to cooperate with international world in internal and external aspect. Beside that there are 3 main indicator of World Class University, that is reputation, teaching quality and Internationalization (Internationalization is counted by the number of collab with another countries). The International program that had been executed by USU is Inbound and Outbound Student exchange program, Summer Course, Webinar Top Scientist, Guest Lecture, International Mobility Staff and Sabbatical Leave,

On 2023, The ranking of national university is raised into 21 Incorporated state university (PTN-BH), so hopefully Universitas Sumatera Utara can be included in that rank, and on international scale the target of Universitas Sumatera Utara is within 1000 rank.