Acceleration of Lecturers Continuing Doctoral Education (P7)

The University of North Sumatra (USU) as a PTN-BH with more than 50 thousand students still requires lecturers who have doctoral education qualifications. Currently, many USU lecturers are still with S2 education and have the potential to continue their doctoral studies but are constrained by guidance in obtaining letters of acceptance and establishing communication with prospective doctoral supervisors at well-known universities. The best percentage for the number of lecturers with doctoral education with the total number of lecturers in a university is 75% (PT at QS WUR).

USU lecturer assistance for doctoral studies abroad includes compiling research proposals, providing funding for English language courses and taking IELTS / TOEFL / other foreign language tests, assisting in writing statements of purposes, assisting in selecting destination universities (Europe, USA and North America, Asia , Australia), communication with prospective promoters, hunting for scholarships, and obtaining LoA (Letter of Acceptance).