Australian Trade and Investment Commision (AUSTRADE) visits Universitas Sumatera Utara for Audience and Cooperation


Australian Trade and Investment Commision, New South Wales (NSW) visiting Universitas Sumatera Utara on Tuesday, 28 March. In order to continue the discussion about the cooperation plan with both sides. This meeting is attended by Andrew Parker (Senior Trade and Investment Commisioner ASEAN, New South Wales) and Nico Alexander (Senior EducationManager Austrade).

This visiting is greeted by Secretary of Directorate and Global Partnership, Hospital of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Dean of Vocational Faculty, and Bureau of Research, Community Service and Cooperation.

On this audience, the Austrade and Universitas Sumatera Utara side discuss regarding the collaborative partnerships that the Australian Education Providers wish to carry out, in this case is represented by Austrade. The collaboration that will be carried out is collaborative research, Summer Course, and Internship.